Happy #WorldAdoptionDay!! Today is a very important day for me because aside from it is the World Adoption Day, this is also the day I will tell my story to the world. Hear me out? Here it goes.When I was 9 years old, I started questioning why I don't look like any of my family members. Why my cousins are thin while my built is bigger than the usual, why my skin is fairer, why my height is smaller, and many more. I remember my grandmother telling me that I was just a kid they saw on the street and decided they'd take me home instead. Lol. Since then, I have always questioned this: Who am I?
Growing up, just like most of the teenagers, I have rebelled (but not much
😂), I hated the world, I did not love my mama, I hated everyone. Then at 15 or 16 years old, I got found and was kept by Him. Gradually, I learned who I am and found my worth. Though deep down, I can still feel that something is missing. I know, something is not right. I even remember praying this: "God, whatever it is that I'm still missing, help me find it. I still feel lost." And throughout the years that I have been searching for that missing part, I failed, but learned a lot. Fast forward to 2017, my year full of surprises and blessings. April of 2017, I found out the truth through a random Facebook message. On May, I finally got to meet my biological mother. She looks like me (of course
😂), she speaks like me, and we have the curls. Lol. The very moment I saw her, I knew what I was missing. The extension of myself, I found in her. The stars in my universe finally aligned. Suddenly, everything felt right with the world. After finding out about this, I told everything to my Jacob family. I got to know the story behind my adoption and while listening, nothing else, but pure joy, gratefulness, freedom, and love filled my heart. This family, who have taken care of me from the moment I was about to get lost, up until now that I have found who I really am, is the reason why I believe in God's promises and faithfulness. Not to forget the real heroes of the story, my mama Leonora Lesinski,Mama Bernadette Jacob and our beloved Nanay Linda. I would like to take this time to say THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING. Deciding to adopt and take care of a child you barely know is one tough act and a proof of your loving hearts. My Jacob family, JCLAM family, my dearest friends and closest relatives who knew I was adopted before I even knew it (I hate it when I get the memo late always!!), thank you! I know now! Haha! Now, I have finally found the answer to my question: I am a daughter to my parentssssss (yes, because that's a lot really), a best friend to my cousins and friends, and more than anything else, I am His child.
To every family out there, please know that adopting a child is worth the struggle. Things may be tough at first, but investing your time and love on a child is and will always be a thing you will never regret. I do believe that there is a family for every child like me.
If you have reached the end of my post and wants to support this advocacy, kindly post a picture of you with a smiley drawn on your hand (just like mine) and post it with the caption #WorldAdoptionDay. Say what it means to you or if you have your story too, this is the time to let the world know.
Love is stronger than DNA!
PS: World Adoption Day is on Nov. 9! This was just a late post! Be with us again next year!
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