Friday, January 29, 2016


As a woman full of plans, dignity, love, and self-respect, the last thing that I would want to do is to pursue a guy. Just so we're clear here. Yes, I like you. BUT that does not give you a valid reason for me to pursue you. No, no, no. I told you weeks ago that I do like you and I'm still getting to know you to maybe like you even more. Just that. That is the only thing I can do, no, that is the only thing I want to do. I do not want to look thirsty for you or your attention. Though I must admit, I do like the attention you give me. You told me you love me, that quick. I already had my doubt, but I brushed it off because you may be saying the real thing, and I don't want to judge too quickly.

I need not to tell you this, but if you really love me, wouldn't being consistent a normal thing already? Wouldn't having to call/text me first already a thing? If you really love me, you would pursue me. Not because I told you, not because your mom said so, not because it is the norm, but because you love me. You would pursue me in your most modest and sincere way possible. You would pursue me because you make me wanna feel needed and loved. You would pursue me because you do not want me going anywhere, you don't want me being with someone else because you love me. You would pursue me because you do not want me begging for your attention and love all the time. You would pursue me because I am worth it. I should be worth it. I should be worth pursuing for.

I am not gonna pursue you because I have set my standards already. It is all clear to me that if a guy do not pursue you then, the problem's not with you, it's with him. I am not gonna pursue you because for the first time in my life, I wanna feel the feeling of being pursued. I am not gonna pursue you because for all its sake, I am still young and if you are not going to pursue me then I am confident that someone out there would do. I am not gonna pursue you because I already told you I like you and if I did not make myself clear to you that I am open to date you and that a little pursuing and getting-to-know-you days are all I need then, I don't know what will. I am not gonna pursue you because I know my worth and if I have to pursue you for you to see my worth, forget it, I don't need you.

So, let me tell you this,

I like you.

But I am not going to pursue you.

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